Student Resume Generator
Crafting a resume can be painful. Especially if you’re a student and it’s your first resume. Word templates are confusing. Online resume-generation tools require a paid subscription.
Now, there is a solution.
Meet the open-source Student Resume Generator, developed by CMPUT 401 students!

Non-technical folks can use it as a web app, and developers will enjoy the power of the Python package and the CLI tool (pip install studentresume, and voila).
User experience is the key, so there is no sign-up/log-in nonsense. Simply create your resume and download it as a JSON file. Need to make changes? Just upload the saved JSON. Full privacy, nothing is stored on the server.
MIT license, contributors welcome.
Diana Le, Mohammed Alzafarani, Ivan Zhang, Curtis Kennedy, YiJing Qu, Jason Robock
Aaron Skiba