Development In A Box UI
I love it when CMPUT 401 alumni come back as CMPUT 401 clients.
It’s hard to imagine a better client than someone with 401 experience who knows all the course’s ins and outs.
In Winter 2021, Taylor Christie was one of the best students. Next semester, Taylor returned as a client and co-founder of Zero RampUp, developer of Dev in a Box, a project that lets developers create any kind of containerized system with ease.

The CMPUT 401 team had to create a custom user interface for tech-savvy users and did it exceptionally well. It was a pleasure seeing students overcome technical challenges and make their app better each week.
The final MVP was fully integrated with a payment system and implemented all the features the client asked for.
Way to go, team!
University of Alberta CMPUT 401 Project - Fall 2022
Peter Qiu, Matthew Sheydwasser, Victor Nguyen, Tomas Peschke, Leen Alzebdeh, Ronggang Cui, Jensen Khemchandani