Hands down, one of the most impressive CMPUT 401 projects of all time.

“We will take basically whatever you give us.”, said the clients.

“Ok.”, responded the team.

And delivered EVERYTHING. And then something extra on top of that. And then, during the last night, a fully functional chat.

Absolutely fascinating.

Screenshot of the app.

I can’t say better than the clients, Ivan Touko and Patrick Cajina Cortez:

“Our project ‘La Connexional App - La Tandao’ was a resounding success. The students we worked with were impeccably professional, attentive, and frankly, deserving of well paid salaries (that maybe one day we can provide!) given the high quality of the work they produced. We are ecstatic with the result of their semester’s long work and we would not hesitate to take part in this CSL experience in the future.”

So. If you’re reading this and you have a Flutter job, you should hire these folks :-)


Afaq Nabi, Alexander Laevens, Anthony Nguyen, Archit Soni, Justine Zapansa


Jacques Leong-Sit
